Wednesday, March 3, 2010

CD 8

I haven't had much interesting happen over the weekend. I started trying to get off the seroquel and it is going to be much, much harder then I thought. I stopped taking them Friday and have been feeling off since. I gave in and took one last night and am considering waiting for my vacation week to do this.
I think I should. I was a mess at work yesterday and ended up leaving early.

On the charting, I have been good about doing it every morning. I have read that whole textbook. I think I know what I am doing now.

I am starting OPK's today. Here's hoping for Ovulation !

I am really worried about my age. 34 is old and I never really kept track of all these girlie things before and have no idea if anything is wrong with me. I hope not and I know it's still early but this chart will most likely give me an idea of whether I should worry or not.

I know I've just really started TTC, but I feel like we have been trying forever !

Diet and Excercise.
Well, last week that went well, but with the sleeping issues this week it went totally out the window ! I'm not giving up on it tho. I'm going for eliptical tonight. It's so hard to get to the gym when the weather sux so much and I'm exhausted. But not giving up yet.

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