I dealt with that this morning. I'm glad I was warned that it was going to suck. It did. Nothing horrible just more annoying. I woke up at 6am and couldn't have anything but small sips of water until the test was over. That was the hardest part. My appointment was for 8:30 am. I got there, they took me right away and took some blood and then handed me the glucose drink. Lemon lime flavored. Not terrible but not my first choice either. Then I spent an hour feeling a bit nauseous. They took my blood again, and again, and again.
Sitting in a chair for 3 hours, even with a really good book, just plain sucks. Especially when all I could think about was food. Starving a pregnant women is just not a good idea. I was so happy when it was over and Rob came to pick me up and we went straight out for a cheeseburger!! Delicious! I may not be able to have cheeseburgers for a few months once the results come in :(
I get the results Thursday and find out what comes next then. I assume it's a diet I will have to go on. I hope that's all. We'll see Thursday.
Saturday is my 3D/4D ultrasound and I am BEYOND excited for that.
Also, Kevin's crib came and Rob put it together today. I LOVE it and will post pics of the nursery when it looks more like a nursery. We still have some work to do and the crib mattress and glider aren't here yet.
In other news, I have updated my blog roll and taken off the ones that kinda died out and added in a few new ones I'm following that are just getting started.